Rabu, 16 Januari 2019

Pubg Mobile New Map Sanhok

Pubg mobile's recruited 20 million daily active users (outside of korea, japan, and china) in just six months. to celebrate, bluehole is giving gamers a massive update led by the arrival of the. Pubg mobile outfit design contest is here! today, we are pleased to announce that pubg mobile will run a brand new competition for the entire community to participate in. announcements new map: sanhok is here! patch notes patch notes 0.8.0. patch notes patch notes 0.7.0. the new update 0.7.0 is here! war mode is added as well as the new dmr. Pubg mobile recently introduced sanhok, a new addition to the game’s classic maps, with the 0.8.0 update. as with the other maps, sanhok also requires you to equip your character with a sizeable.

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The highly-anticipated pubg mobile (version 0.8.0) update has finally gone live and it brings with it a ton of new elements such as the sanhok map, new vehicles, weapons, gameplay settings and more importantly, some anti-cheating measures. the new pubg mobile update is 1.51gb in size and has been. Pubg mobile players are eagerly waiting for the latest update to be rolled out so the new sanhok map, new weapons and several improvements are added to the popular battle royale game. while the official rollout of pubg mobile update 0.8.0 is yet to be out, the beta version of the upcoming update is already live.. Sanhok trailer to help reduce the size of our app, we’ve made sanhok and miramar as separate downloads in the latest update. go to the matchmaking menu and download the new map to start your sanhok adventure!.

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